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Saturday, May 7, 2011

Did the Recent Silver Bubble Conform to Our Understanding of Bubbles?

Yes. Yes it did.

Let's think back to this old post of the evolution of a bubble.

As always, click on the image for a larger picture. Essentially, silver conformed to the basic tenant of a bubble that, because of rapidly rising expectations of future prices, suppliers of silver became unwilling to release supply on their old supply schedule. For instance, if I held 100 ounces of silver while it was trading at $15 an ounce, I may have been willing to put twenty of those ounces on the market once the price reached $20 in a more regular time. However, when I see prices go hyperbolic, I reassess the situation and hold on with a "wait and see" approach. My supply schedule shifts in. We saw this in the early stages of the silver rally where suppliers and buyers seemed to be having their expectations change more or less in tandem. What was the tell tale sign of this? Volume did not accelerate all that drastically until the last few weeks. Now, this can be the signs of something other than a bubble and I will discuss that in a minute.

Now, it's normal for volume to spike on one-off events like a big earnings report. For volume to increase massively, independently of major events in the context of a large rise is actually not normal. Case in point, Apple (AAPL):

Most of Apple's rally since early 2009 has happened in the context of remarkably stable volume. There hasn't been a huge surge in the number of shares traded during most of the advance. Clearly, this would provide evidence that the suppliers of Apple shares (i.e. current owners) have shifted in their supply schedules as prices have advanced. However, one key trait about Apple's advance is that it typically stalls until rejuvenated by a good earnings report. In other words, the advance is sustained by commensurate news regarding the fundamental improvements in the company's future earnings potential. To underline this point, Apple only trades at about 12x next year's earnings. If anything, one could argue that investors are discounting the possibility that the current trend in earnings might not be sustained.

To return to silver for a moment, there was no particular rationale for sustaining its rate of increase aside from the fact that it was increasing awfully quickly so one would want to buy in. Clearly, an increasing number of investors didn't buy into this idea and liquidated their positions right into the most hyperbolic portion of the increase. Volume surged in the last couple weeks of the rally, far eclipsing the daily average volume of the past several months. What was astonishing, and this is what tipped me off, was that there were enough speculative buyers to sustain the rally in the face of substantial liquidation. Clearly, speculators had become unhinged. The options markets reflected this at the end the last week of April where long-dated put options for SLV in the low 40s were trading at substantial premiums while long-dated call options above $50 were not. In other words, the options traders expected things to get ugly for silver by the end of the year. I decided, based on the frenzy, that silver was going to burst extremely quickly and decided to trade the June $42 puts. I have now liquidated two out of the three positions at large gains.

Now, let's try to piece this all together into a comprehensive picture of a bubble. You may remember from an earlier post back nearly a year ago that I laid out three criteria for spotting a bubble:

1. Is the asset or asset class in question fundamentally more attractive than other alternatives?
2. Is there either little information available or is the information corrupted in some way?
3. Are market actors incorporating available information or are they doing so in a rational way?

Silver began rallying for a real fundamental reason which is that the dollar is nearly constantly depreciating and high rates of money supply growth imply a central bank willing to devalue the currency for some time. This is usually a conventional reason to trade in precious metals as a hedge against inflation. However, the increase in silver far exceeded this fundamental reason as one will note that the dollar declined maybe around 10% depending on the measure you use in the time silver increased more than 150%. Still, there was a reason why the asset class of precious metals, broadly speaking, and silver in particular would be attractive.

On the second point, people have no idea how precious metals should be valued and economists have rarely ever been able to construct a reasonable model for how precious metals can be priced. Their industrial uses are never enough to justify their prices and their sentimental or emotional values to people are impossible to value. Further, there are a lot of people who corrupt what information is available with articles like "Silver going to $200 an ounce?"

On the third point, the answer was clearly no. The increase in volume wasn't based on any event, but on a short term frenzy where people were beating each other over the head with higher and higher bids to get into a crowded market. 

Take this into account with the fact that, like in all bubbles, silver followed the tradition of the trashiest asset in an asset class performing the best. Precious metals are generally in a bubble and silver is the trashiest among them and it performed the best. In fact, platinum performed the worst.

The silver bubble conformed to every basic tenant of what we understand about bubbles and the fact that several people, myself included, were able to call it should not be surprising. By the way, applying th criteria laid out here and in prior posts, you can clearly define Apple as not being in a bubble and the same applies to the overall market advance over the past two years. A large advance (50%+) does not necessarily indicate a bubble, but it does warrant examining the conditions surrounding it. 

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